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The tutorials on this page will show you some techniques that go beyond the quickstart tutorial.
Please watch the quickstart video first before you watch the next ones.
The first video will show you the most important Pattern Trigger actions. The following things are covered:
The second video tells you more about the "edit" mode. The "edit" mode is perfect to copy/paste/move single lines:
To create a polyphonic melody, you will need to work with several instrument boxes at once. Use the same MIDI channel and instrument for each box. Sundog will create a polyphonic melody then which can be exported as a single MIDI file later on.
You will also learn how you can work with multi-patterns. They are useful to change melodic rhythms while a song part is playing.
Sundog contains a Pattern Finder which will assist you in finding nice melodic rhythms for your song.
The "Chord FX" feature is very helpful to use chords differently for different instruments:
You can find the complete online manual here. If you need an offline PDF, you can get it there, too.