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How to play chords with one finger - and how to create your own chord collections for different moods

You can use the songwriting tool Sundog Song Studio to create own chord collections for different moods and then trigger these chords with one finger. Directly from your computer keyboard or from your MIDI keyboard.

Here is how:

  1. Open Sundog, go to the Chords page.
  2. Choose a root note and a scale.
    Sundog will show you the most important chords of that scale. Use your mouse to find the chords that you like the most. You can switch notes by clicking3. on the keyboard graphic at the bottom.
  3. Click on the "Keep" symbol if you like a chord.
  4. Click on the grid symbol (3x3 blocks) in the upper right corner to take a look at your chord collection.
  5. Now you can use the keys 1 to 9 or your MIDI keyboard to trigger chord fields. Hold down Ctrl to trigger fields that are higher than 9.
  6. If you want to save your collection, you can click on "Chords -> Save own chords...". This is perfect if you want to store your chords for future songwriting sessions.

Bonus tip: If you want to work with borrowed chords etc, you can turn on "Settings -> Show chromatic keyboard in chords view".

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