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The following videos will show you a lot of tips and tricks about the Chords View.
Please note that the videos were created using Sundog 2. But except minor differences, Sundog 3 works the same way.
If you already know the basics of Sundog, you can skip to 04:40. This video will show you how to...
Please note: The chord tension option has moved from the Chords View to "Settings -> Chords View: Show chord tension" in Sundog 3.
Sundog contains over 500 chord progressions and an own chord progression search engine. The following video will show you how to use this engine quickly (and how to preview chords directly in your song):
Did you create a chord progression that you kinda like - but that is too jumpy? Sundog contains three algorithms for automatic chord progression optimizations.
There are several other features that can help you to work with chords and chord progressions.
You can find the complete online manual here. If you need an offline PDF, you can get it there, too.