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This package contains a broad selection of dub and reggae basslines, backbeat rhythms, organ patterns, and various melody generators.
It works best with simple closed root triads. Simply pick two triads, create a short chord progression with them, and use the package presets to create your own reggae songs.
Attention: The patterns were created with a tempo range of 120 to 200 bpm in mind. ChordPotion: Use the "ht [preset name]" presets if you prefer to work in half-time (e.g. 60 to 100 bpm). Sundog: Load a preset and activate the "Double tempo" checkbox (pattern area) if you prefer to work in half-time (e.g. 60 to 100 bpm).
ChordPotion info: Use the 'Copy package to clipboard' button to import the presets directly to ChordPotion. Click on the button, then open ChordPotion and use 'Clipboard button -> Paste from clipboard'. Alternatively, you can download the package file and import it with 'Clipboard button -> Import package' inside ChordPotion.
Sundog info: Use the 'Copy package to clipboard' button to import the presets directly to Sundog. Click on the button, then open Sundog and use 'Clipboard -> Paste from clipboard'. Alternatively, you can download the package file and import it via 'File -> Import FYS package...'.
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