You need some kind of "Virtual MIDI cable" to connect two MIDI apps with each other. macOS / OS X doesn't come preconfigured with such a connection, but it is pretty easy to set one up. Just follow these steps:
- Launch the "Audio MIDI Setup" of macOS
- Open the "Window" menu and click on "Show MIDI Studio"
- Double-click on the IAC Driver icon
- Activate the "Device is online" checkbox
- You can rename the Device Name if you like, but please only use characters that are available on an English keyboard! "IAC Driver" is fine, "哈佬" not so much.
- Create a new port by clicking on the "+" button below "Ports" (see the screenshot below). Again: Name the port as you like, but only use English characters (the second port name in the screenshot wouldn't show up in the software, for example).
- Restart your DAW and your software
- Set the MIDI Input of the DAW to the newly created MIDI port
- Set the MIDI Output of the software to the newly created MIDI port as well
- You're done!