This is the ultimate Trance songwriting package for producers of powerful hymns, uplifting tunes, and emotional anthems.
It contains over 60 free patterns and presets for the award-winning songwriting tools Sundog Song Studio and ChordPotion.
Use the included MIDI generators and chord transformation presets to create uplifting Trance chord progressions, arpeggios, bass lines, rhythmic chord patterns, and melodies within seconds.
A free series of Trance production tutorials accompanies this package on YouTube. You will learn more about the different aspects of Trance songwriting, including chord progressions, bass line patterns, arpeggios, background melodies, rhythmic pluck sections, and lead melody secrets.
Tutorial week 1 - Chord progressions: Click here for the YouTube video. Summary: Use the Minor scale to create chord progressions with a length of four to eight bars. Best root notes: D to A. Open Minor and Major chords are used to create the basic progression. Suspended chords and power chords are helpful to add some nice variations and chord links.
Tutorial week 2 - Bass lines: Click here for the YouTube video. Summary: Many Trance tracks don't just use one bass line, but at least two or three bass lines in parallel. The sub bass typically works with a very simple offbeat or gallop pattern. The middle bass is a bit more advanced and often times uses the notes of two different octaves. The high bass adds some width and additional rhythms. Use an equalizer on the mid and on the high bass to cut away the lowest frequencies. This adds space in your mix for the sub bass.
Tutorial week 3 - Rhythmic keys and plucks: Click here for the YouTube video. Summary: In many Trance productions, chords are played in a rhythmic way. The main rules: 1) work with short notes 2) use a repeating pattern of 8 or 16 steps 3) combine predictable note distances with some suprise notes.
Tutorial week 4 - Arpeggios and background melodies: Click here for the YouTube video. Summary: Arpeggios are an important element in many productions. But it's quite time consuming to create them from hand. See how you can test different arp styles quickly. You can use the same technique to create background melodies. Simply use longer melodic patterns with fewer notes then. The video also explains how you can create randomized melodies automatically.
Tutorial week 5 - Lead melodies: Click here for the YouTube video. Summary: One popular recipe for Trance lead melodies works with these three rules: 1) Use two or three octaves simultaneously. 2) Use short notes. 3) Work with repeating melodic patterns. You can mostly work on the chord notes, but from time to time it's a good idea to add some scale notes as well (especially before chord changes).
ChordPotion info: Use the 'Copy package to clipboard' button to import the presets directly to ChordPotion. Click on the button, then open ChordPotion and use 'Clipboard button -> Paste from clipboard'. Alternatively, you can download the package file and import it with 'Clipboard button -> Import package' inside ChordPotion.
Sundog info: Use the 'Copy package to clipboard' button to import the presets directly to Sundog. Click on the button, then open Sundog and use 'Clipboard -> Paste from clipboard'. Alternatively, you can download the package file and import it via 'File -> Import FYS package...'.
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