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All the FeelYourSound Engines and ChordPotion are available in VST2 and VST3 format. VST3 sounds like "VST2 but better", but actually this is NOT the case for MIDI plug-ins (it is good for other synths and effects, though).
Please use the VST2 version whenever possible.
For 95% of all cases, the VST3 standard is fine. Creating melodies, chords, and basslines is no big deal. If this is all you need, you can use the VST3 version as well. But when you need pitch bend output from ChordPotion, VST2 will be better.
Steinberg has severely reduced the features that are needed to create fully functional MIDI plug-ins with VST3. The VST3 standard allows MIDI note output from plug-ins. But it does NOT reliably allow pitch bend output and CC output.
Even worse: Some DAWs support pitch bend output while others don't. This is because Steinberg added support for this feature after many users and developers complained about it. BUT Steinberg also marked this part of the VST3 standard as a "legacy" feature. This is why some DAW companies are reluctant to implement it.
DAWs that support VST3 pitch bend output:
Calling the new standard "VST3" is absolutely misleading, because it sounds like it was "VST2", but with some improvements.
However, technically speaking, it is a COMPLETE new redesign. It is not a minor tweak here and there, it is a new standard with completely different programming rules. Just like the new CLAP standard, but with a more familiar name.
If you want to dig deeper, you can find more info here: